Tama Bell Design Interior Design Studio

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TBD Monthly Round-Up

Wondering what we’ve been working on?

We completed a large renovation project here in Sebastopol about a year ago but have been holding it back as it received placement in American Farmhouse Style magazine. You can see it in the February/March 2025 volume, which will be out and about on 2/20/25. Here is a sneak peak. Check out our portfolio page to see the full project. It’s a good one!

A Tip From TBD…

Not a tip this month but words that sparked something in me, that felt like the truth of the moment right now.

Maggie Smith Said We Could Make This Place Beautiful

“And I want to believe her / Even though I’m running low on things to believe in / Even though all ninety-seven days of January have been beyond belief / and now we are in a free-for-all freefall in the name of freedom / If it’s true that our little lizard brains were designed to stare at the sky / and marvel at the stars / and hold each others’ babies as the sun back-walkovers into the horizon / it’s no wonder we are so burnt our – so bored yet so busy --/ spending all day as we do: blinking away blue-lit horrors from across the globe / and across the street / There is nothing and everything to do / so when the world offers me the choice between hope and despair / I take one in each hand / and let go of what’s heavy.”

                                                                           -Lyndsay Rush

Hoping you are able to let go of what’s heavy today.